Keith Wagner
Keyboards, Vocoders and Backing Vocals
Keith started playing piano at age 4. He was mostly self taught though he did study some classical piano with an instructor in his late teens and jazz with an instructor later in life. Keith's dad wrote and recorded music so Keith spent much of his youth at KBK/Earth City Sound Studios. "When the bands would take a break, I would go play Come Sail Away on the 7' Baldwin grand piano over and over until they had to drag the 13 year old kid back into the control room." Keith had the opportunity to play with synthesizers at a young age and was determined to figure out what all those buttons do. You will see that today with Grand Allusion. "Grand Allusion is a toy store for keyboard players. I have two vocoders, two computers with exceptional Oberheim and B3 simulations, and sometimes I get to sing 'Good Night' to the audience through a vocoder if we end with AD 1958." Keith has performed in various bands since the early 1980's. His first concert ever was Styx at the Checkerdome in 1979. "Dennis DeYoung is very unique in his textures and layering of sounds and he did that when you had to play and record each layer separately. He is a master of the Oberheim synthesizer. I worry about every note and every detail in my sounds in the hope that we will honor the sound of Styx".